ATTGP offers monthly online Alexander Technique workshops for the public on a variety of topics.
The workshops will be conducted on Zoom and cost only $10 to attend.
To be kept up to date on these workshops and other ATTGP offerings, sign up for our newsletter. We’ll also notify you about other events by ATTGP teachers, tips, resources and more. Sign up here >>
2025 ATTGP Workshops:
Note: All times are US Eastern Time.
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Embodying Progressive Values
with Ariel Weiss
Sunday, February 23, 2025
3:00 – 4:00 PM US Eastern Time
When we change ourselves, we change the world.
Join me for this experiential workshop to explore how we can embody our progressive values in how we use our attention, intentions and actions in our relationship with our self.
How can we apply the principles of diversity, equity, inclusion and non-violent communication to how we treat ourselves, so that we can be in full alignment with our values?
Alexander’s discoveries give us a unique tool with which to redirect our startle responses into useful energy. This workshop will not address politics or world events directly and all are welcome.
Ariel Weiss has been teaching AT in Philadelphia since 1988. Trained as a dancer, she delights in helping her students move freely in cooperation with their best functioning. Ariel teaches online and in her Center City and Delaware County studios, at Curtis Institute of Music, University of Delaware and Crosslands retirement community. She also coordinates a Wellness Program at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and presented her TEDX talk: Posture myth-busting in 2021. Ariel is an Alexander Technique International Sponsor and is excited to be a Continuous Learning presenter at the upcoming 13th International AT Congress in Dublin, August 2025.
More information at:
Cost: $10
Register here:
If you have questions, please contact Ariel at
Breathing with Your Full Body
with Heather Gardner
Monday, March 17, 2025
7:00 – 8:00 PM US Eastern Time
Balanced Breathing for singers, actors, speakers and voice users of all kinds.
This experiential online workshop explores both sides of breathing. We will use body mapping, anatomical imagery, guided activities, and awareness exercises to expand our inhale beyond perceived limits. And by exploring the anatomy of breath, we’ll discover how to use the breath more efficiently and with greater control, flow, and choice on the exhale. We will pay particular attention to the turn around of the breath (the “onset”) and how we begin to use the air to make sound.
This workshop also includes concepts of air flow relating to resonance and vibration, and a guided deep listening exercise. You will leave with new ideas about how to explore breath on your own and deepen your mind-body-voice connection, further enabling your expressive ideas to be made into sounds through your speaking or singing voice.
Heather Gardner is an Alexander Technique Teacher and musician living, working and teaching in the Philadelphia and New York City areas. She specializes in singing 20th and 21st century works though she is equally comfortable singing Brahms, Mozart or Bach. She holds a Master’s degree in vocal performance from Rutgers University and a Bachelor’s degree in viola performance from the Eastman School of Music, where she also studied violin and voice. Heather teaches AT, singing and violin out of her West Philly studio and at the Balance Arts Center in midtown Manhattan.
More information at:
Cost: #10
Register here:
If you have questions, please contact Heather at
Honoring Earth Day: Coming Home to the Nature of Our Body and Mind
with Anne Johnson
Monday, April 21, 2025
11:00 AM – 12:00 PM US Eastern Time
How we care for ourselves is at the root of how we care for the earth. We are made of the same material, there is no separation. Listening to the messages of our body, invites a practice of pausing to experience the present moment. It is in the present moment that we can allow the flow patterns to integrate through our body and connect us to the bigger support of the earth and the stars beyond. Join Anne for an exploration playing with our inner and outer connections that help us return to our presence of wholeness and inner calm.
Anne Johnson has been teaching the Alexander Technique for 29 years to individuals and groups across the globe, in her private Philadelphia studio, the Mt Airy Learning Tree, as well as businesses in Philadelphia and surrounding areas. She taught at the Boyer College of Music at Temple University for 15 years. Her teaching practice includes both in-person and remote lessons and workshops. Anne finds pleasure in sharing the benefits of this rich body of work with people of all ages, skill levels, diverse professions and backgrounds.
More information at:
Cost: $10
To register, contact Anne at
360 Degrees of AT Awareness
with Amy Ward Brimmer
Monday, May 19, 2025
7:00 – 8:00 PM US Eastern Time
One of the big changes that happens when we study and apply the Alexander Technique is a new relationship with space. Spatial awareness is limited or missing in most people, and when we learn to move with more poise and presence we open up to the space all around and deep within.
In this workshop we will explore how to boost kinesthetic sensing and practice including what’s above and below, in front and behind, and each side. We’ll play with moving through space as well as receiving the spatial qualities that touch us, even in stillness. We’ll consider how various environments affect the way we move and the way context informs the way we shape ourselves spatially.
Amy Ward Brimmer has been investigating mindfulness and self-expression since childhood. She is the owner of Way Opens Wellness in Yardley, PA, where she offers the Alexander Technique, Somatic Release bodywork, Qigong, Compassionate Listening, and Insight meditation instruction. Amy has been giving Alexander lessons since 1994, and has taught at Yale, Villanova, Brooklyn College, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia (CHOP), and along the banks of the Delaware Canal, among many other places.
More information at:
Cost: $10
Register here:
If you have questions, please contact Amy at:
The Magic Pause
with Joseph Arnold
Sunday, June 22, 2025
10:00-11:15 AM US Eastern Time
The 3-second technique that is the single most powerful, easy-to-implement, and sure-fire method for instant relief from the tightness and tension that causes back pain and other chronic injuries.
The “Magic Pause” will allow you to reliably and quickly relieve muscle tension and strain so you can get back to doing the things you love. It’s easy to learn and you can use it to be able to sit more comfortably at the computer, play music more freely, or feel better when you exercise. In this class, you will learn the Magic Pause and how to apply it to many different activities.
Joseph Arnold is a certified Alexander Technique teacher, professional violinist, author of the award-winning Soulforce, and Director of the Soulforce Arts Institute. He is dedicated to helping artists reconnect with their creative Soulforce so they can experience greater well-being, make transcendent art, and be of greater service to a world in need.
More information at:
Cost: $10
To register, contact Joseph at
See what workshops we offered last year below:
Past Workshops:
Practicing Inhibition
with Diane Sussman
February 2024
In this workshop we will explore the four principles of the Alexander Technique in more depth; Awareness, Direction, Inhibition, and “The Means Where by”, with more emphasis on Inhibiton as a skillful process which brings better facilitation of conscious control to all of your daily activities. As we learn to adapt the “pause that refreshes” more and more into our awareness and use,
other aspects of positive change come online.
Diane Sussman began her private and group teaching in 1987, after graduating from The American Center for the Alexander Technique (ACAT). She continued her connection with ACAT on the faculty
and over 23 years trained many others to become Alexander Technique teachers. Diane has also applied her work to her Pilates and Yoga classes, and for musicians. As a Life Coach, Diane views the Alexander study as a life-long journey of discovery and self awareness, and views it as foundational practice for a life well lived. She can be reached through her website
The Power of a Positive “No”
with Amy Ward Brimmer
March 2024
We don’t want [an] activity to be carried out by the doing process, we want it to be carried out by a releasing process. The only way you’ll get a releasing process is if you stop. — Walter Carrington
Learning how to change habitual ways of moving requires a new way of thinking, a wish to say “no” to doing an activity. This is a positive No, a non-doing, and often one of the more challenging aspects of the Alexander Technique for many people.
In this workshop we will experiment with non-doing, “negative” directions, and withholding consent to move in familiar ways. We’ll give ourselves the time and space to discover fresh responses, revealing what is possible when movement is guided by release instead of habitual effort.
Is it really possible to leave yourself alone? What happens when you let your bodymind wisdom lead you into action? How does a change in thinking bring about a change in your physical experience?
These and other questions will be explored during this workshop.
Amy Ward Brimmer is the owner of Way Opens Wellness in Yardley, PA, where she offers Alexander Technique, Somatic Release bodywork, Compassionate Listening, and meditation instruction. With a specialty in the performing arts, and training in psychotherapy and trauma recovery, Amy has been teaching the AT since 1994. She has served on the faculties of Yale, Villanova, and Brooklyn College, and has taught diverse groups in a wide variety of settings.
Discover the Secret of Electrifying Performances & Auditions
with Joseph Arnold
April 2024
You’re up on stage. You’re giving it your best. You did all the right techniques… but something’s off. Why isn’t it connecting? Where’s the flow, the thrill, the electrifying energy that could have your audiences on the edge of their seats? What’s the missing piece?
It’s the “X factor,” the indefinable aura of authenticity, aliveness, and connection that every actor longs to express, and that every audience wants to experience. But can the X factor be learned, or is it just a matter of luck?
Yes! The X factor can be learned. And here’s the secret: the X factor already lies in wait within you, ready to burst forth – if you simply learn how to get out of the way of it.
In this fun and engaging masterclass, you will learn how to discover your X factor and to channel it, even in the most challenging circumstances, such as performances and auditions.
Using methods based on the Alexander Technique, you will learn to let go of unnecessary tension so you can improve your stage presence and access a fuller, more dynamic expressive range. This special ability will make your performances shine, both on stage and in auditions!
Joseph Arnold is a certified Alexander Technique teacher, professional violinist, author, and Director of the Soulforce Arts Institute. He is dedicated to helping artists reconnect with their creative Soulforce so they can experience greater well-being, make transcendent art, and be of greater service to a world in need. More information at
Building Awareness to Enable Change
with Heather Gardner
May 2024
We often find ourselves wanting to make a change in our lives, maybe in the way we do an activity or the habitual choices we tend to make. But even when we are trying to implement a new choice we notice ourselves repeating the old behavior that we were hoping to change without being aware of it until after it’s already happened again.
In this workshop we will explore the roll awareness plays in making changes, whether physical or mental, big or small. By learning to bring more awareness to the activities we do every day, we can improve our control over the outcome and increase the quality and our enjoyment. We will play awareness games, learn to practice a new pattern with awareness and get to know our own habits of attention.
Heather Gardner is an Alexander Technique Teacher and musician living, working and teaching in the Philadelphia and New York City areas. She specializes in singing 20th and 21st century works though she is equally comfortable singing Brahms, Mozart or Bach. She holds a Master’s degree in vocal performance from Rutgers University and a Bachelor’s degree in viola performance from the Eastman School of Music, where she also studied violin and voice. Heather teaches AT, singing and violin out of her West Philly studio and at the Balance Arts Center in midtown Manhattan.
Waking Your Expansive Awareness: Inviting Connection and Wholeness
with Anne Johnson
June 2024
By exploring pathways of thought through the body, participants will enliven the relationship between their mind, body sensation, breathing and the space around.
Anne Johnson has been teaching the Alexander Technique for 25 years to individuals and groups across the globe, in her private Philadelphia studio, the Mt Airy Learning Tree, as well as businesses in Philadelphia and surrounding areas. She taught at the Boyer College of Music at Temple University for 15 years. Her teaching practice includes both in-person and online lessons and workshops. Anne finds pleasure in sharing the benefits of this rich body of work with people of all ages, skill levels, diverse professions and backgrounds. More information at:
Summer Pause
The Magic Pause
with Joseph Arnold
September 2024
The 3-second technique that is the single most powerful, easy-to-implement, and sure-fire method for instant relief from the tightness and tension that causes back pain and other chronic injuries.
The “Magic Pause” will allow you to reliably and quickly relieve muscle tension and strain so you can get back to doing the things you love. It’s easy to learn and you can use it to be able to sit more comfortably at the computer, play music more freely, or feel better when you exercise. In this class, you will learn the Magic Pause and how to apply it to many different activities.
Joseph Arnold is a certified Alexander Technique teacher, professional violinist, author, and Director of the Soulforce Arts Institute. He is dedicated to helping artists reconnect with their creative Soulforce so they can experience greater well-being, make transcendent art, and be of greater service to a world in need. More information at
The Way You Do Everything
with Amy Ward Brimmer
October 2024
People typically decide to learn the Alexander Technique because they have a problem they wish to solve: chronic pain, a performance issue, a skill set they want to improve, or mental/emotional challenges like anxiety (to name a few).
The Alexander approach isn’t just for frozen shoulders and ADHD, however. It’s mindful movement for life, and in this workshop we will look at how to apply Alexander awareness to mundane activities that we do every day: bending, reaching, lifting, carrying, and fine motor skills like typing and chopping. Learning how to bring the AT into brushing your teeth or washing dishes or taking a shower reveals unconscious habits of interference and is a place of powerful practice.
You have to do chores anyway, why not do them with presence and ease?
There is a saying, “the way you do anything is the way you do everything.” Whether or not this holds true in all situations, it is accurate in daily life. The way you stand at the sink can reveal how you stand in line or at a party. The more you know about your habits, the more choices you have about how to do what you are doing.
Come prepared to stand, sit, bend, lunge, reach, hold, and let go. Open to all mobility levels – you don’t have to do any of these things well in order to learn how to do them better.
Amy Ward Brimmer is the owner of Way Opens Wellness in Yardley, PA, where she offers Alexander Technique, Somatic Release bodywork, Compassionate Listening, and meditation instruction. With a specialty in the performing arts, and training in psychotherapy and trauma recovery, Amy has been teaching the AT since 1994. She has served on the faculties of Yale, Villanova, and Brooklyn College, and has taught diverse groups in a wide variety of settings.
Getting Unstuck from the Stress Cycle
with Imogen Ragone
December 2024
The holiday season is upon us – not to mention everything else going on in our lives and in the world – and it’s easy to get stuck in a cycle of stress.
In this workshop you will explore how your thoughts, your body, and your environment can all be useful points of entry in disrupting the stress cycle.
You’ll come away with ways to reduce stress during the activities of life, as well as a practice to help calm your nervous system in just a couple of minutes.
Imogen Ragone has been a nationally certified Alexander Technique teacher for 18 years, and a student of the Technique for well over 20. She initially came to Alexander Technique to help her with chronic neck and shoulder pain and tension. It did – and gave her much more than she ever imagined. Imogen has now developed her own unique approach, BodyIntelligence, that offers a path to embodied mindfulness that is gentle and non-coercive. This means it is more accessible and effective when you are feeling stressed, and makes it especially valuable to traumatized people. Imogen has been successfully working with clients online, both individually and in groups, since 2014. More info at
More workshops coming soon
To be kept up to date on these workshops and other ATTGP offerings, sign up for our newsletter. We’ll also notify you about other events by ATTGP teachers, tips, resources and more. Sign up here >>